Dental Sealants: Tooth Protection for All Ages

Preventative dental care includes fluoride treatments, routine cleanings, and dental sealants. These preventative solutions benefit your dental hygiene and overall dental health, working to prevent the most common dental concerns like cavities.

The Science Behind Sealants

Dental sealants are thin, tooth-colored coatings that are designed to protect the chewing surface area of teeth. They are not only discrete but effective as well. Unlike routine brushing and flossing, dental sealants act around the clock to prevent bacteria buildup.

How Do Dental Sealants Work?

Sealants work by binding to the grooves of the teeth, blocking food particles and bacteria. They act as a protective barrier, effectively preventing cavities and tooth decay for all age groups.

Are Sealants Applied to Every Tooth?

The primary function of sealants is to fill the deep grooves in your teeth that are more likely to harbor bacteria. Your canines and front teeth don’t have these deep grooves, so those teeth are not common candidates for sealants.

Molars and premolars are the most common teeth that undergo dental sealing. The large chewing surface area with deep grooves makes it easy for food particles and bacteria to live. Filling these groves eliminates the easy hiding places for bacteria, mitigating a common cavity breeding ground.

Are Sealants Safe for Children?

Yes! While it may be easy to prioritize the protection of your permanent adult teeth, your baby teeth play an integral role in saving space for your molars. Child sealants have risen in popularity with reports showing that 42% of 6 to 11-year-olds and 48% of 12 to 19-year-olds have dental sealants on their adult teeth. Cavities are common in both young children and teenagers, making child sealants a good choice to protect your children’s teeth during their most cavity-prone time.

The Application Process

Dental sealants are a quick way to protect your teeth in the long term. This process is quite simple, and only takes a couple of minutes.

Step 1: A Clean Canvas

Before applying dental sealants, it is important to have clean teeth. Your dentist will conduct a thorough cleaning of your teeth, making sure to remove any bacteria on the surface where the sealant will be applied.

Step 2: Prepping the Teeth

After proper cleaning, your dentist will make sure your teeth are dry. Then, a solution will be painted on the chewing area of your teeth. This solution allows the sealant to adhere effectively to the tooth. Your mouth will then be rinsed and dried to prepare for the final step.

Step 3: Sealant Application

Your dentist will then paint the liquid onto your teeth, using a curing light to finish the dental sealant application.

Be Proactive About Preventative Care

Investing in sealants can save you from expensive and invasive dental treatments in the future. Whether you’re a parent aiming to protect your child’s teeth or looking to get adult sealants for oral health enhancement, sealants are an essential component of preventive dental care.

Schedule an appointment at Perimeter Dental Group to start the process of getting your own Columbus dental sealants!